Predict : Sales Growth

Driving sales growth is critical to any successful ecommerce strategy. Predict offers tailored recommendations to help you maximize your sales potential.

Steps to access Sales Growth

Click on Predict > Sales Growth

Predict analyzes your existing data to provide specific insights aimed at boosting your sales growth through various strategies.

  1. Create New Promotions: 
    Predict suggests specific promotions based on your sales data and market trends. Discover and implement effective promotional strategies to attract and retain customers.
  2. Increase Budget: 
    Enhance your ROI by adjusting your budgets and optimize your advertising spend by reallocating budgets to high-performing campaigns. 
    Ex: Predict might recommend increasing the budget for a specific Google campaign, with an expected monetary impact of S$ 69 - S$ 76 along a due date.
  3. Add Stock: 
    Predict analyzes sales patterns and forecasts future demand to help you maintain optimal stock levels.
  • You can also set any strategy as default by clicking on " Set as Default"
  • Each recommendation offers an estimated "Monetary Impact" which quantifies the potential benefits of implementation along with a due date
  • Click "View Details" on any recommendation card to understand the underlying analysis and data driving these suggestions.

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